Semiconductor Sealing
Semiconductor Sealing
R.E. Purvis & Associates, Inc. offers clean material solutions for the semiconductor market. We're here to help with matching application requirements with appropriate seal compound properties and design to shield delicate electronic circuits from harmful elements.
Semiconductor Sealing Applications in Modern Technology
In the realm of modern technology, the intricate world of semiconductors lies at the heart of nearly every electronic device we encounter on a daily basis. From smartphones to laptops, from smart home appliances to industrial machinery...
Helpful FAQs
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How do I size an o-ring?
To properly size an o-ring, you need to measure two things; the inside diameter (I.D.) and the width or cross-section of the o-ring. If your o-ring is used and show some wear, the measurements you take may not be accurate to what the proper replacement o-ring should be. In cases where the o-ring is too heavily damaged to properly size a replacement, the groove or gland the o-ring came out of should be measured.
Which durometer o-ring should I be using?
The durometer, or hardness, of an o-ring can affect how well the o-ring is able to handle higher pressures and larger gaps between mating surfaces. The trade off is that the higher the durometer, the more difficult it is for the o-ring to deform and be installed. Because of a number of factors influencing each application, it is impossible to set a guideline for which durometer to use in each situation. If you are unsure of what durometer to be using, ask your R.E. Purvis & Associates, Inc. representative to assist you with your application.
What is standard material?
The phrase "standard material" is an interesting one. To some it may mean a specific compound, while to others it may be something much broader than that. As a basic rule, calling out a durometer and material is sufficient to allow us to find you a part from any number of sources that is able to meet your needs.
Nitrile - 70 Duro
Fluorocarbon (Viton) - 75 Duro
Ethylene Propylene - 70 Duro
Silicone - 70 Duro
Hydrogenated Nitrile (HNBR/HSN) - 70 Duro
Polyurethane - 90 Duro
Neoprene - 70 Duro
Fluorosilicone - 70 Duro
Do you stock metric seals?
Yes, R.E. Purvis & Associates, Inc. stocks metric o-rings and seals in a variety of configurations and compounds.
What is a cross section?
A cross section is what you'd get if you took a finished part, cut it in half, and looked at the ends. The cross section can tell you a lot about how the seal functions. For example, the cross section of a u-cup can give you a better understanding of how the lips function while the system is pressurized. Cross sections are often used to gather information on why a seal may have failed and to assess the locations where wear may be occurring.
How do I determine what compound to use to best service my application needs?
The material that is selected for a specific application depends on several factors. The fluid it will come in contact with, the temperature it will deal with, the pressure the part is exposed to, the length of time the part must last, and how much the customer is wiling to pay are all contributing factors. Your best solution to finding the right compound for your application is to contact us. The trained staff of R.E. Purvis & Associates, Inc. will be able to isolate the compound that will best suit your application's needs.
My organization has metrics associated to supplier diversity - do you qualify?
Our certification as a 100% Women-Owned Business is just another way we stand out in the marketplace. Being able to help you meet goals in this area, while also receiving top-notch service and quality products, is a multi-faceted win we provide! Please visit the About Us page for a copy of our WBE certificate.